Free Loft Insulation Grants UK

Loft Insulation Grants are offered to fully defray the expense of hiring a professional installer for loft insulation installation. You should be eligible for a 100% FREE award that is non-repayable if you receive a qualified benefit.

We can still connect you with an approved local installer who can complete a free survey and offer you with an estimate, even if you are not eligible for a 100% grant. Typically, loft insulation costs between £300 and £500.

The government’s Green Deal and Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) comprise the grants. The government requires the major energy suppliers, such British Gas, NPower, E-ON, etc., to cover the cost of insulation for residential buildings.

loft insulation grants birmingham

Who Is Eligible For Grants for Loft Insulation?

Grants for 100% loft insulation are available to anyone who qualifies for any of the following benefits:
  • Payment for the Independence of the Armed Forces
  • Participation Permit
  • Allowance for Carers
  • Child Tax Credit * Child Benefit
  • Regular Attendance Permit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Income-Related Job Seekers Permit
  • Employment Support Allowance Based on Income
  • Workers’ Compensation Industrial Injury
  • Credit for Pension Guaranteed Disablement Benefit
  • Payment for Personal Independence (PIP)
  • Benefit for Severe Disablement
  • Credit Universal
  • Pensions for War Mobility Add-on
  • Credit for Working Class

Your property must be yours or privately rented, and it must be occupied at the time of the survey in order to be eligible for a Loft Insulation Grant. Tenants in social housing should get in touch with their Housing Association or Council as they run their own programs. You may be eligible for a grant if you own 50% or more of a property owned by a Housing Association.

Keep in mind that to be eligible for a grant, the existing insulation must be 100mm or less. We can set up a free, no-obligation survey and quote to have the insulation topped off if there is more than 100mm.

The plan includes lagging tanks and pipework, installing draught excluders around the hatch, and building a walkway to any tanks that are more than one meter from the hatch.

Keep in mind that at least 60% of the property must be covered in insulation. For this reason, extensions typically aren’t eligible for grant money; but, we can set up a free, no-obligation survey and quote.

Can I install loft insulation on my property?

It is anticipated that installing loft insulation can still be beneficial for 42% of UK households with traditional lofts.

Your property must have less than 100mm (4′′) of installed insulation in order to be eligible for free loft insulation. The suggested depth for adding insulation is 270mm/11′′.

The loft must be boarded out or free of any stored items because the loft insulation will be installed on its floor. These are the other important things to keep in mind. In order for Installers to perform their jobs, the loft needs to be accessible and have adequate headroom.

Installing loft insulation will not be possible if:

  • There is already too much insulation installed.
  • Most homes that are 100mm (4′′) or smaller should be eligible.
  • Either the hatch is too small, or there is no access. The ideal hatch size is 400 mm (16 in.) square.
  • The headroom between the joists and the roof’s apex is less than 4 feet, or 1.2 meters.
  • You’re not ready to get go of the many things that have been stored.
  • There are boards in the loft, and you’re not ready to remove them. 20% of boarding is permitted.
  • Is there any moisture present? Prior to application, any wet issues need to be resolved and dried.
  • You want under-floor insulation, a level roof, or a sloping roof (under the tiles).
  • You want to do the loft insulation installation yourself. DIY projects are not covered by our grants.
  • You need a specific kind of loft insulation, like wool from sheep.

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